
Violence against journalists in Somalia in the year 2023

Mogadishu-01-13-2024 SOMA, In 2023, SOMA And FESOJ have documented a number of media incidents against journalists in Somalia including killing, injuries, arrests and threats and intimidations against Somali journalists and media workers.

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On 17 January 2023, a reporter working Kalsan TV based in Mogadishu, Abdihafid nor was illegally arrested while he was on duties, and his arrest was against international law. The Police also arrested in the same day two journalists Kassim Ibrahim Addani and Abdikarim Muhamad Mohamed “Jokar” who were working at Risaala radio station in Mogadishu.

On May 02, 2023, Banadir regional government forces have tortured two journalists working for Shabelle Radio and TV in Mogadishu and further took away their equipment, the journalists named Zakariye Ahmed Muse and Mahad Hassan Abdi “Tawakal” from Shabelle television, while also beaten Abdirizak Mohamoud Jamac “Maqosle” and Sadde Abdi Tahleel working for Universal TV station in Mogadishu.

On 10 May 2023, experienced journalist Ismail Sheikh Khalifa died in Mogadishu, Ismail was also an active member of the Somali Civil Society. The death of the Journalist is believed to relate injuries sustained in a car bomb attack on December 4, 2018 in Mogadishu. Journalist Ismail Sheikh Khalifa has been in media house for long time and he served as the Secretary General of the Somali Media Association during his time.

On 27 June 2023, – Journalist Abdiqani Hussein Abokor (Baylood) from Horyaal24 TV was arrested in Hargeisa town, The arrest of the journalist was followed by the Somaliland Electoral Commission, which was angered by a report recently published by the journalist, which revealed errors seen in the voting cards that were recently distributed in areas of Somaliland.

On August 24, 2023: The administration forces of Barawe district in lower shabelle region has ordered to shut down Radio Barawe while the station was off the air for six days. Gun men believed to be loyal for the mayor of Barawe district Libaan Abuukar Osman have opened gunfire to Independent Radio Barawe in the district. the Radio disseminates its programs and news with local language that is different from Somali mother tongue as confirmed by director of the Radio Osman Aweys Bahar who was at the Radio Studio at the time of the storming. the attack that did not leave any casualties has come after Radio reporter covered how badly police treat with local citizens living in the district and teh murder of local resident.

On 17 August 2023, Security forces from national intelligence agency and security agency of Somalia have detained reporter Mohamed Ibrahim Bulbul who works for Cable Online TV and also works for Somali Journalists Syndicate. the reporter who was accused of reporting corruption news feature story about EUCAP capacity building for Somali police forces that was corrupted by the federal government of Somalia, media unions were condemned the illegal detention of the reporter.

On Oct 16, 2023, Director of Somali Cable TV named Abdifitah Maā€™alin Qays was killed as a result of suicide bomber who attacked a popular restaurant in Mogadishu. Several other people also died at Blue-Sky restaurant. SMSJ network team have sent condolence to late Qeys and visited his family and children after the incident.

On 11 December 2023, Police forces of Somaliland have detained a freelancer reporter Mohamed Aden jiglsn in Hargeysa city for allegedly airing news article that demonstrated the expelling of Somaliland representative from Djabuti. Details were not made on causes of the incident however. He was released on bail from Hargeisa Prison, and the police who threatened him to avoid in disseminating such news.