Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cyprus: 23-year-old from Somalia set himself on fire because his asylum application was rejected

Greek City Times
Thursday October 19, 2023

A 23-year-old man from Somalia doused himself in gasoline outside the offices of the Foreigners and Immigration Service in Larnaca and attempted to commit suicide by lighting a fire.

Before the immolation, he had spoken to an employee of the Service and complained that his application for political asylum had been rejected, meaning he had to return to his country.

According to Proto Thema, he had a gasoline can with him, and after emptying it on his body, he set it on fire. Police officers who were on the scene immediately intervened and extinguished the fire.

The 23-year-old Somali man was taken to hospital and kept for treatment as he suffered severe burns. His health condition is described as serious.

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