Saturday, July 27, 2024

UN says Thousands trapped in Somalia flash floods

MOGADISHU, Somalia – Thousands of people are trapped in flooded areas following heavy rains in Somalia’s Jubbaland state, the UN’s humanitarian agency says.


The heavy rains that started last month have elevated the water levels on the Juba River, causing flooding in riverine areas of the state, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (Ocha) said in a statement.

new inside “In Luuq district, 2,400 people have been trapped in an area surrounded by water,” the statement added.

Efforts by authorities and rescue partners are underway to evacuate the stranded locals.

At least 14 people have died and 47,000 displaced in the flash floods across Somalia since last month, Ocha said in an earlier statement.

Somalia’s Information Minister Daud Aweis said the floods, which also affected Hirshabelle and southwest states, have caused widespread damage. He appealed for support, adding that the situation was critical.

The country is experiencing heavier-than-normal rains after emerging from one of its worst droughts in four decades.

The Food and Agriculture Organisation has warned of a high risk of flooding, particularly in the south-western Gedo region.

Source: BBC

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