Saturday, July 27, 2024

Türkiye sends 2,000 aid packages to flood-hit Somalia

Hodan Mohamed Abdullah
Sunday December 3, 2023.


The Turkish Red Crescent on Saturday handed over 2,000 food packages to the Somali Disaster Management Agency (SODMA) for the people affected by the flood.

Ahmed Abdi Adan, Vice President of SODMA, expressed gratitude to Türkiye and said they would ensure that the aid reaches those in need.

Taner Kurt, Deputy Head of the Turkish Red Crescent Somalia Delegation, stated that they continue their aid efforts in Somalia, saying, “We continue to spread goodness to the whole world by delivering aid to those in need in Somalia.”

On Wednesday, the death toll from heavy rains and floods in Somalia has risen to 101, with 1 million people displaced and 1.5 million affected nationwide, Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said.

Mohamud said Somalia is facing a humanitarian crisis caused by the climate change-enhanced El Nino that is devastating many parts of the country.

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