Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ethiopian ambassador to Somalia apologizes for comments on Somaliland’s status

Monday January 29, 2024

Mogadishu (HMC) -Ethiopian Ambassador to Somalia, Muqtar Mohamed Waare, has issued an apology for remarks that sparked controversy and led to speculations about his potential dismissal.

Earlier this week, Ethiopian media reported that Ambassador Waare labelled Somalia a creation of colonialists and identified Somaliland as an independent entity capable of signing international agreements.

Waare clarified that his remarks were “misguided” and unintended to harm Ethiopia-Somalia relations.

“I deeply regret my comments and apologize to the Somali government and its people. My intention was not to strain our relationship. Ethiopia and Somalia have a strong connection, and I am committed to enhancing our ties,” Waare stated.

Ethiopia recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Somaliland, allowing Ethiopian access to the Gulf of Aden and potentially recognizing Somaliland’s independence.

Somalia’s Parliament and President Hassan Sheikh declared the agreement “null and void,” declaring that the maritime deal violated Somalia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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