Saturday, July 27, 2024

Morocco’s navy rescues 141 African migrants

Monday February 19, 2024

Morocco’s navy has rescued 141 African migrants onboard a boat that experienced difficulties while sailing from Mauritania to the Spanish archipelago of Canary Islands.

The rescue was carried out on Sunday, about 274 km (170 miles) south-west of the city of Dakhla in the Western Sahara desert.

The migrants had left the Mauritanian coast on 10 February, the Reuters news agency reported, citing the Moroccan navy.

Last year, the Canary Islands received nearly 32,000 migrants, the highest number recorded since 2006.

In January, Spanish authorities said they continued to record a surge in migrant arrivals to the islands, with most boats originating from Mauritania.

{DAAWO MUUQAALKA} Hogaanka sare ee xisbiga kulmiye ayaa munaasibad Soo dhawayn ah u sameeyay Qurba jooga Somaliland

Sabti 27 July 2024 {HMC} Hogaanka sare ee xisbiga kulmiye ayaa munaasibad Soo dhawayn ah u sameeyay Qurba jooga Somaliland HOOS KA DAAWO MUQAALKA WARBIXINTA

{DAAWO MUUQAALKA}WAR DEG-DEG AH: Waxaa la shaaciyay Xildhibanada golaha Deegaanka ee sadexda degmo ee gobolka Nugaal.

Sabti 27 July 2024 {HMC} WAR DEG-DEG AH: Waxaa la shaaciyay Xildhibanada golaha Deegaanka ee sadexda degmo ee gobolka Nugaal. HOOS KA DAAWO MUQAALKA WARBIXINTA