Saturday, July 27, 2024

U.S. airstrike in Somalia injures one al-Shabab militants

Friday March 1, 2024 {HMC} The U.S. military command in Africa has said that it conducted an airstrike in Jubbaland State, injuring one al-Shabab militant.

In a press statement released on Wednesday, AFRICOM stated that, in coordination with the Federal Government of Somalia, the airstrike took place near Jilib, Somalia, on Feb. 15.

AFRICOM mentioned that it will continue to assess the results of Wednesday’s operation and will provide additional information “as appropriate.”

The statement added that U.S. Africa Command, along with its partners, remains committed to taking action to prevent this malicious terrorist group from planning and carrying out attacks on civilians.

The Somali government has been fighting al-Shabab militants since 2006. The group was removed from major cities but continues to control vast areas in the countryside.

In August 2022, the Somali army, supported by self-mobilized local fighters, launched a military offensive that seized parts of central Somalia from the militant group.

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