Saturday, July 27, 2024

“Erdogan: Netanyahu Is Responsible for the Tensions in the Middle East”

Thursday-18-April-2024 {HMC} The President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said on Tuesday that the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, and other Israeli leaders alone are responsible for the renewed tensions in the Middle East.

He made these remarks during a press conference in Ankara after a cabinet meeting, stating, “Israel is trying to incite conflict in the region, and its attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus was the latest incident.”

Erdogan added that new conflicts in the region are possible as long as “brutality and genocide” persist in Gaza, and he called on all parties to act wisely.

He also criticized the West for condemning Iran’s attack while not condemning Israel’s attack on the Iranian embassy.

{DHAGEYSO} Warka Habeenimo ee Warbaahinta Hiiraanweyn {26.07.2024}

Jimco 26 July 2024 {HMC} Dhageystayaal halkan waxa aan idiin kugu soo gudbi neynaa Warka habeenimo ee Warbaahinta Hiiraanweyn Warka waxaa soo jeedinayo ::Abdirahman Maclin...

{DAAWO MUUQAALKA} Madaxweyne Dabageed oo Hal Arin ka Dalbaday dadka ku Nool Degmada Moqokori.

Jimco  26 July 2024 {HMC}  Madaxweyne Dabageed oo Hal Arin ka Dalbaday dadka ku Nool Degmada Moqokori. HOOS KA DAAWO MUQAALKA WARBIXINTA…