Saturday, July 27, 2024

Somali Government Releases Ten Suspects in Murder Case of Somali Aviation Employee.

Sunday  5 April, 2024 {HMC} The Criminal Investigation Department of the Somali government has on Sunday released ten suspects who were arrested for their alleged involvement in the killing of a Somali man employed at the Somali Civil Aviation Authority in Mogadishu.

A joint investigation conducted by Somali forensic experts, with assistance from the Turkish Police Forensic Laboratory, revealed that there is no connection between the released suspects and the murder.

Several people were apprehended for their suspected involvement in the killing of Nasir Muse Abdirahman known as Dahable. The body of the deceased man, aged 32, was found by Mogadishu police at his residence in El-Qalow village, located in the Wadajir district, in February 2024.

The CID’s findings emerged a week after Somaliland accused the federal government of torturing Members of Parliament who visited the detainees and demanded their immediate release.

However, there is no evidence to support Somaliland authorities’ claim that federal lawmakers were tortured by federal police officers in Mogadishu.

{DAAWO MUUQAALKA} Hogaanka sare ee xisbiga kulmiye ayaa munaasibad Soo dhawayn ah u sameeyay Qurba jooga Somaliland

Sabti 27 July 2024 {HMC} Hogaanka sare ee xisbiga kulmiye ayaa munaasibad Soo dhawayn ah u sameeyay Qurba jooga Somaliland HOOS KA DAAWO MUQAALKA WARBIXINTA

{DAAWO MUUQAALKA}WAR DEG-DEG AH: Waxaa la shaaciyay Xildhibanada golaha Deegaanka ee sadexda degmo ee gobolka Nugaal.

Sabti 27 July 2024 {HMC} WAR DEG-DEG AH: Waxaa la shaaciyay Xildhibanada golaha Deegaanka ee sadexda degmo ee gobolka Nugaal. HOOS KA DAAWO MUQAALKA WARBIXINTA