Saturday, July 27, 2024

Puntland Security Force captures two ISIS fighters surviving US airstrike

Sabti 8 June 2024 {HMC}  The Puntland Security Force {PSF} has apprehended two ISIS foreign nationals who they said survived last week’s US airstrike in northeastern Somalia.

According to a statement from the PSF on Saturday, the men identified as Imraan Mohamed Alawi and Mabruuk Nassor Saidi are from Tanzania. The security forces arrested the men 30 km away from the area where the bombing took place, following a tip-off and subsequent pursuit by the PSF.

A joint airstrike carried out by Somali and U.S. forces killed three Islamic State {IS}-Somalia fighters in a remote area near Dhaardaar, about 81 km southeast of Bosaso, last week.
The so-called IS wing in Somalia has its main base in the Puntland region, northeastern Somalia, and has occasionally clashed with Puntland forces and al-Shabab militants.


{DAAWO MUUQAALKA} Hogaanka sare ee xisbiga kulmiye ayaa munaasibad Soo dhawayn ah u sameeyay Qurba jooga Somaliland

Sabti 27 July 2024 {HMC} Hogaanka sare ee xisbiga kulmiye ayaa munaasibad Soo dhawayn ah u sameeyay Qurba jooga Somaliland HOOS KA DAAWO MUQAALKA WARBIXINTA

{DAAWO MUUQAALKA}WAR DEG-DEG AH: Waxaa la shaaciyay Xildhibanada golaha Deegaanka ee sadexda degmo ee gobolka Nugaal.

Sabti 27 July 2024 {HMC} WAR DEG-DEG AH: Waxaa la shaaciyay Xildhibanada golaha Deegaanka ee sadexda degmo ee gobolka Nugaal. HOOS KA DAAWO MUQAALKA WARBIXINTA