Monday, April 29, 2024

Heavy rains kill four people in Nairobi as overnight floods wreak havoc

Monday March 25, 2024

At least four people were killed separately following heavy rains experienced in Nairobi.

The deceased include a police officer who was rescuing trapped families in the Kamukunji area.

His body is yet to be recovered, police said.

The officer from Kamukunji police station had responded to a distress call to rescue a family that had been trapped in a flooded house.

According to Nairobi police boss Adamson Bungei, the officer and his colleagues managed to rescue the family and as they were leaving the house he stepped on an open manhole.

He sunk into the flooded manhole and was swept by the raging water, witnesses and police said.

“We searched for him in vain. We are going back to the place for further searches,” said Bungei.

He said three other people were swept by water in Gigiri, Dagoretti and Buruburu areas.

They included bodaboda riders. Officials said the rains started Sunday night and rained overnight to Monday flooding most places due to poor drainage.

Many other people were displaced following the downpour, officials said fearing a disaster.

The bodies were later taken to the mortuary.

Most roads and estates are flooded following the rains.

Police say they fear disaster because some of the open pit latrines were flooded and overflowing.

Houses near rivers and drainages in the city were also flooded.

Emergency service providers have been sent to various places to check on the well-being of residents, Bungei said.

Images shared showed most roads and estates while flooded.

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