Monday, April 29, 2024

Sailors from the crew of the freed ship “Ruen” return to Bulgaria

Wednesday March 27, 2024

The five sailors from the Ruen ship hijacked in December off the coast of Somalia, which was released by the Indian Navy 9 days ago, have returned to Varna. They flew home from Oman via Turkey.

The Bulgarian Navy shipping company has confirmed that the ship Rouen is currently in Oman and it is not yet known where it will go.

The sailors will most likely hold a press conference after the ship’s captain returns to Varna. Captain Alexander Kalchev, director of the Bulgarian Navy Shipping Company, said that the sailors are stressed and their families do not want to make media appearances before they recover.

The ship Rouen was held captive by Somali pirates since December 14, 2023.

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